I posted a rather lame attempt at an advertising/marketing slogan on the FinderPop website (see the last chapter for URLs.) It was:
FinderPop: try it. You’ll like it. Probably.
Various people responded with slogans of their own. Some of 'em are pretty cool and may end up as part of a future FinderPop logo!
Here are Richard Bensam’s (rabensam@earthlink.net):
Although I commend your efforts to come up with an American-style
catchphrase for FinderPop on your web page, your first attempt seems to be lacking the American spirit of shameless hucksterism. I've come up with a few alternate suggestions which don't have the simple honesty of your slogan, but they are at least sincere in their enthusiasm for the item in question. So, in the form of an American-style Top Ten List:
10. FinderPop -- one control panel does the work of five CMM plugins.
9. FinderPop -- everything at your fingertip.
8. FinderPop -- do whatever you want with it.
7. FinderPop -- no control necessary.
6. FinderPop -- the Swiss Army Knife of contexual menu enhancers.
5. FinderPop -- for people who hate spring-loaded folders.
4. FinderPop -- it doesn't nag you to keep everything tidy.
3. FinderPop -- They said you couldn't give it away. They were wrong.
2. FinderPop -- it does so much for you, maybe it should have been
called FinderMom?
1. FinderPop -- the only freeware with weekly updates.
Craig Patchett, craig@patchett.com wrote:
OK, I couldn't resist; here's my top five slogan list:
5. FinderPop: When the cat's away...
4. FinderPop: Let freedom reign (apologies to Martin Luther King, Jr.)
3. FinderPop: Control-free for control freaks
2: FinderPop: Lose control
1. FinderPop: Put things in context and lose control
Brad Matter, mollusc@oz.net's suggestion was:
FinderPop -- lose control.
Peter Fine, pmf@finepeter.com wrote:
My Catch Phrase suggestions:
3. Does for the MacOS8 what bread did for sandwiches.
2. Makes living worthwhile.
1. Even a one-armed bandit can now use contextual menus!
[I think number 3 is a bit of an exaggeration —turly]
Eric van Beest, 100413.3462@compuserve.com, wrote:
Drop 'Pop in your 'puter, and put the fizz back in the Finder.